How to get involved

Have fun working with SikuliX? You can do more than just being a user! There are many ways you can help SikuliX’s development:

  • Blog or tweet about SikuliX. Share your cool scripts and ideas to the world and let more people know how cool SikuliX is.

    Don’t forget to integrate a link to the official homepage of SikuliX

  • Report bugs or request new features in our bug tracker.

  • Visit the question board and the bug tracker regularly and answer people’s questions there or comment posted bugs. (You may want to subscribe to the bug tracker or subscribe to all questions.) Many people have questions that you may know how to deal with. Help them to get through the obstacles and they may help you in the future.

  • Submit patches to fix bugs or add features.

  • Translate SikuliX into your language and help more people who speak different languages to access SikuliX. You can help us to

    • translate SikuliX IDE’s interface and SikuliX’s messages, or
    • translate SikuliX’s documentation (this site you are reading).

    Read Documentation, internationalization and localization for more details.

Submit Patches

If you are interested in making SikuliX better:
Any patches to SikuliX are always welcome
  1. Fork the SikuliX source tree from GitHub
  1. Fix bugs or add new features.
  2. Post pull requests
  3. In any case please leave documentation in the comment area.

Documentation, internationalization and localization

We hope SikuliX can be used by anyone from anywhere in the world. You can help us to translate the user interface of SikuliX IDE, any SikuliX messages or to improve and translate this documentation.

SikuliX Translation

If you find an incorrect or missing translation, or if you would like to add a language that isn’t yet translated, here’s you can do:

When ready, Visit our translations page on transifex and use the provided tools to translate the relevant items.

It is also possible to post pull requests against the sources on GitHub.

Documentation and it’s Translation

This documentation is created using Sphinx, and written in the reStructuredText format. You can view how the source code looks like using the link Show Source in the side bar.

The docs are hosted on readthedocs with the sources being on Github.

Changes or additions to the docs should be posted as pull requests on GitHub.

If you want to contribute to the docs or it’s translation on a regular base, you can be added as a maintainer on readthedocs. In case use one of the contacts on